
Lead Product Designer
B2C + B2B
Easol is an e-commerce platform for event creators that offers custom websites, booking, ticketing, and payment management all in one place. 

Easol planned to update its fee structure, checkout flows, bookings, and payment processing as part of its annual growth plan. 
A host of new features needed discovery, definition and design.

Configurable payment options 
We started by reviewing existing user feedback and speaking to selected creators. Users were already a bit confused about payment structures and how to select available payment methods. We knew we had to clean up and clarify this part of the app before introducing any new options.

We reviewed the information architecture and isolated key items that seemed weak, using customer and internal feedback. 

Using card sorting exercises, we suggested an updated IA that consolidates all payment-related features into one section.

Initially, payment-related information was scattered throughout the menu. We identified and consolidated it into one ‘Payments’ area.

The new payments section with the fee structure feature enables users to switch payment methods on and off

Checkout flow redesign
Moving to the customer-facing side, we needed to introduce the new payment option to the checkout flow. Klarna integration was especially important as we knew customers were expecting it, and creators will see it as an improvement to Easol’s customer experience.

Using Klarna’s API, we explored several ways to integrate it into Easol’s custom booking and checkout flow, as well as introducing it to the themes in strategic places throughout the experience, so end-users know they have this new option.

Checkout with Klarna

Klarna announced in the booking funnel

Booking changes & cancellations
Another issue that was creating significant risk and potential revenue loss was the booking change and cancellation flow. Creators had very limited ability to amend existing bookings themselves and had to rely on Easol’s CX team to do it for them, which was both frustrating to creators and costly for Easol.

To resolve that, we designed a self-service way for creators to make changes themselves. As Easol bookings tend to be complex, we decided on a gradual rollout where specific changes to bookings made available in each release. The release order was decided based on existing user feedback and data from from the CX team.

Booking changes & cancellation user flow

Making changes to an existing booking

Internal finance workflow
Lastly, we reviewed the internal process. Easol processes payments on behalf of creators, deduct fees, and the pay out creators on a weekly basis. Simple on paper, however in reality the workflow was fragmented due to manual tasks, legacy systems and custom agreements with creators. It required one person in the finance team full three days every week to process payouts. 

It also impacted the customer success team, as they were dealing with numerous tickets for delayed payments or payment queries.

We created a service blueprint for the payout process, working closely with finance and customer success team, and then used the blueprint as artefact for a series of co-design session with the the engineers to pinpoint key areas and build a plan of attack for improving the process.

Various artefacts used in co-design workshops

The new checkout flows and improvements to back-office admin panel were shipped within four weeks, and received positive feedback from creators. Easol projects significant revenue increase from the new fee structure in upcoming quarters.

The initial changes to the payout process are expected to reduce volume of payout-related queries by approximately, and save the finance team an average of twelve hours per week.

Product Manager
: Gabor Mikes
Lead engineer: James Christie
Engineers: Ryan MacGillivray, Victor Martins, Ben Lavon
Product design consultant: Yarden Gur